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The undergraduate program aims to develop financial professionals through a curriculum emphasizing both theory and practice.
In addition to the fundamental courses, we keep improving related professional courses to equip students with more financial and banking expertise after their graduation and thereby enable them handle the constantly changing the financial environment. Professional courses include Options, Investment Banking, Foreign Exchange Practice, Organization and Strategy of Financial Holdings, Futures, Industrial Economics: Theory and Analysis, Investment Portfolios and Risk Management, and Bank Marketing. Taiwan is aggressively promoting the internationalization of finance to cope with financial environment development. Therefore, we will strengthen courses related to international finance and promote exchange and cooperation with financial institutions in the future to cultivate more managerial talents for international finance and financial institutions.
The minimum graduation credits for the undergraduate program is 138 course credits. There are 69 credits for required courses, including Calculus, Economics, Introduction to Civil Code, Fundamental Accounting I, Fundamental Accounting II, Statistics, Monetary Banking, Introduction to Business, Management, Commercial Law, Microeconomics, Financial Management, Financial Decision Theory, Monetary Theory and Policy, Financial Market, Financial Regulations, International Finance, Management for Financial Institutions, Social Responsibility and Ethics, and Bank Operations and Management. We offer a wide variety of electives for students to select based on their needs and preferences, including Options, Investment Banking, Econometrics, International Business English, Foreign Exchange Practice, Organization and Strategy of Financial Holdings, Futures, Fundamental Financial Mathematics, Introduction to Financial Mathematics, Theory and Analysis of Industrial Economics, Investment Portfolios and Risk Management, Bank Marketing, Numerical Methods in Finance, and so on.
In addition, with the approval of the department, juniors and seniors may take courses from the master’s program for future preparation.
-Admission by recommendation
-Star Plan
-Admission by recommendation of TVE students
-Admission by GSAT
-Admission by AST
-Admission by Transfer Examination
Graduation requirements for undergraduates
We adopt the course credit system for all undergraduate programs with an expected length of four years. 
With reference to Article 2, Chapter 2, of the NCCU Undergraduate Programs Implementation Regulations (amended and approved at the 134th University Administration Meeting on 14 June 2005), the required graduation course credits include the credits earned from college required, professional department required, and department elective courses.
(1) College required course credits: Including general education courses and the physical exercise course. Students are expected to earn 23-32 course credits in general education and complete the physical exercise course for four semesters without credit.
(2) The maximum professional course credits of each department are half of the required graduation course credits of individual departments.
(3) The minimum elective course credits of each department are one quarter of the required graduation course credits of individual departments. Students may take electives from their department or other departments. The elective course credits earned by a student from different departments should form part of his/her graduation course credits. The course credits earned by a student from an interdisciplinary program, a minor or double major will be included in his/her elective course credits which form part of their graduation course credits.
The required graduation course credits of this department are 128-138 course credits. (The required graduation course credits for students enrolled in 2016 are 128, and the required graduation course credits of those enrolled in or before 2015 are 138.)
Except for a special situation that students may take required courses from other departments with the chairperson’s approval and credit recognition, students are expected to take the required courses offered by the department’s full-time faculties. Students are advised to strictly follow this rule and are reminded to be responsible for all consequences for any violations.
Students may take electives offered by other departments.
Credits earned from elective Military Training are not included in the graduation course credits.
Not more than two credits earned from elective Physical Exercise will be included in the graduation course credits.
With reference to the resolution made at the Department Administration Meeting on 23 December 1995, the minimum required elective credits each semester of students in each year are as follows: 12 credits for freshmen to juniors and 10 credits for seniors.
Re-sit new students (non-NCCU re-sits) cannot apply for credit transfer for Physical Exercise. They should start the course from the freshmen year.
Please visit NCCUAdministrationOffice of Academic AffairsRelated LinksCourse Selection Enquiries for important course selection information. There is detailed information regarding selection methods, selection schedule, and course information.
Visit the Course Search Engine on the NCCU home to find course offering information.
With reference to the new school regulations, the maximum course credits each semester for freshmen to juniors are 25 credits. Students interested in or capacitated of taking more courses may register online and request for approval from the department chairperson. The maximum additional course credits are not more than 6 credits.
Based on the resolution of the university Administration Meeting, students must pass any one of the following foreign language tests before graduation:
GEPT: High-Intermediate Preliminary
TOEFL: 500 and above
TOEFL CBT: 173 and above
TOFEL iBT: 61 and above
IELTS: Band score 5.5 and above
Cambridge Certificate: PET and above
TOEIC: 600 and above
Test of Proficiency in Turkish B1(CEF B1)
TCF 3 (CEF B1)
Zertifikate Deutsch B1 (CEF B1)
Regulations for Advanced Graduation of Undergraduates  
Apart from fulfilling the requirements in the NCCU Study Rules, undergraduates applying for advance graduation must be within the top 10% in class in the total grade ranking. (Resolution made at the 2nd Department Administration Meeting in Semester 2 of Academic Year 2013 on 1 April 2013)
Undergraduate Course Map (for students enrolled in AY2016)
This is an image
Regulations for the Five-Year BA-MA Program
These Regulations are instituted to encourage outstanding undergraduate students of this department to start post-graduate study in the department earlier (in their undergraduate years) and enable them to study uninterruptedly to earn both a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree for a shorter time.
Undergraduate students with a cumulative grade ranking within the top 30% in class in the first five semesters may apply to this department for the Five-Year BA-MA Program in the second semester of their junior year (exact date will be announced). The department will announce the evaluation results by May 31 in that semester.
Applicants are required to submit the following data for the reference of evaluation.
An application form
Transcripts and certification of grade rankings over the [university] years 
Statement of purpose and study plan
Other documents favorable for the evaluation.
After successfully changing their status, undergraduate students must earn their bachelor’s degree in the next academic year and must be accepted by the master’s program entrance examination of the department to officially become a postgraduate student of the department and transfer their credits under these Regulations.
In their post-graduate study, students can transfer not more than half of the credits (excluding credits for the master’s thesis) earned from courses of the post-graduate program (an application for credit recognition is required) taken in their undergraduate years. However, students cannot apply for a transfer of credits earned from courses of the post-graduate program that have been included in the graduation credits of their undergraduate program.
*In accordance with the resolution made at the 4th Department Administration Meeting in the second semester of academic year 2013 (4 June 2014): Students from other departments may apply for the Five-Year BA-MA Program of the Department of Money and Banking as of academic year 2014.
Financial Personnel Certification and Licensing Examinations
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