Status Appointed
Office Tel No. 87141(系辦)
Job Title Professor
Research Expertise Investments, Financial Management, Money and Banking
Teaching Field 投資學、財務管理與貨幣銀行
Year Paper Title
2015 Yi-Hui Chiang*;Thomas Lee, 2015.07, 'Capital Flight and Foreign Direct Investment, ' International Journal of Financial Research, Vol.Vol. 6, No.No. 3, pp.64-77.(*為通訊作者), vol. 409135, Jul. 2015
2014 Tung-Hao Lee;Jiun-Kai Huang*, 2014.03, 'Foreign Investors, Corporate Operational Efficiency and Performance, ' Journal of Financial Studies, Vol.Vol. 22, No.No. 1, pp.33-60.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 409138, Mar. 2014
2013 李桐豪;遲淑華*, 2013.09, '中國全國金融工作會議對大陸上市銀行動態效率的影響, ' 兩岸金融季刊, Vol.Vol. 1, No.No. 1, pp.1-34.(*為通訊作者), vol. 409136, Sep. 2013
2013 李桐豪;遲淑華*, 2013.09, 'Does Financial Restructuring Change the Relationship between Corporate Governance and the Static and Dynamic Efficiency of Bank Mergers in Taiwan?, ' Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Vol.50, No.0, pp.189-201.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 397123, Sep. 2013
2013 Tung-Hao Lee;Jiun-Kai Huang*, 2013.08, 'Financial Liberalization, Foreign Ownership and Corporate Operational Efficiency: The Case of Taiwan Market, ' Review of Economics & Finance, Vol.Vol. 3, No.No. 3, pp.34-47.(*為通訊作者), vol. 409137, Aug. 2013
2013 李桐豪;遲淑華*, 2013.05, 'Does Financial Regulation Affect the Profit Efficiency and Risk of Banks? Evidence from China''s Commercial Banks, ' North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol.26, No.0, pp.705-724.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)(本論著未刊登但已被接受), vol. 397114, May. 2013
2013 李桐豪;遲淑華*, 2013.01, 'Does Financial Regulation Enhance or Impede the Efficiency of China''s Listed Commercial Banks? A Dynamic Perspective, ' Emerging Market and Finance Trade, Vol.49, No.4, pp.141-159.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 388036, Jan. 2013
2000 李桐豪;呂美慧, 2000.09, '金融機構房貸客戶授信評量模式分析─Logistic回歸之應用, ' 台灣金融財務季刊, Vol.1, No.1, pp.1-20., vol. 148566, Sep. 2000
1999 李桐豪, 1999.08, '國家金融管理再造與農漁信用部的關係, ' 金融財務, Vol.0, No.3, pp.1-12., vol. 148564, Aug. 1999
1999 李桐豪, 1999.08, '功能性金融管理與金檢一元化, ' 貨幣市場雙月刊, Vol.3, No.4, pp.11-26., vol. 148565, Aug. 1999
1999 李桐豪, 1999.04, '銀行面對企業財務危機的因應政策, ' 金融研訊季刊, Vol.0, No.93, pp.68-72., vol. 148562, Apr. 1999
1999 李桐豪;張奇勳;梁連文, 1999.02, '改造農會金融體系之探討─兼論分級管理政策, ' 今日合庫, Vol.25, No.2, pp.37-70., vol. 148561, Feb. 1999
1997 李桐豪, 1997.12, '以基因演算法改進臺灣股價指數模擬之可行性, ' 證券市場發展季刊, Vol.9, No.4, pp.45-88., vol. A10310, Dec. 1997
1997 李桐豪, 1997.10, '新台幣對美元名目匯率及銀行間拆放款利率變化之機率分配研究, ' 政大學報, No.75, pp.147-171., vol. A10312, Oct. 1997
1997 李桐豪, 1997.09, '臺灣股票市場投資家數與可分散險關係之分析, ' 證券市場發展季刊, Vol.9, No.3, pp.63-90., vol. A10311, Sep. 1997
Year Paper Title
2000 李桐豪, 2000.08, 'The banking perform in Taiwan, ' ADBI-SEASEN Capacity building seminar on benking sector, ADBI-SEASEN Capacity building seminar on benking sector., Aug. 2000
1999 李桐豪, 1999.06, '我對『中長期資金運用─現行制度法制化及回歸市場機制程序之推動與檢討』之意見, ' 中長期資金運用效益與問題研討會, 行政院經建會與欣慶文教基金會合辦., Jun. 1999
1999 李桐豪, 1999, 'The impacts of the Asian Financial Crisis on Taiwanese Business with investment interests in South East Asia, ' Challenges to the Chinese Overseas in an Era of Financial Vulnerability in the Asia Pacific Region, the university of Nwe South Wales., 1999
1998 李桐豪, 1998.11, 'The Taiwannese Experience of Macroeconomic Risk Management, ' The Eighth Seminar on International Finance, Asian Development Bank., Nov. 1998
1997 李桐豪, 1997.03, '政府對農會信用部管理政策的再檢討, ' 農會經營策略與管理變革學術研討會, 中華民國公共事務與政策研究會., Mar. 1997
Year Book Title
1999 李桐豪, 1999.04, '明年我國銀行業之經營環境與策略, ' 明年我國銀行業之經營環境與策略, 台北., 148570, Apr. 1999
1998 李桐豪, 1998.04, '臺灣金融市場分析--公債,貨幣及股票市場之實證研究, ' 華泰書局., A10309, Apr. 1998
Year Research Title Publish Date Authors
2000 李桐豪, 2000.12, '先進家產業金融政策之比較研究, ' 經濟部工業局. 2000-12-01
2000 李桐豪, 2000.11, '債券市場發展對貨幣政策影響之研究, ' 中央銀行. 2000-11-01
1996 李桐豪, 1996.07, '統合檢定技術性交易法則對台灣股票市場效率性之影響, ' 國科會. 1996-07-01
1996 李桐豪, 1996.07, '利率期限結構之預測—類神經網路的運用, ' 國科會. 1996-07-01
1996 李桐豪, 1996.07, '利率期限結構之預測--類神經網路的應用, ' 國科會. 1996-07-01
1996 李桐豪, 1996.07, '統合檢定技術性交易法則對台灣股票市場效率性之影響, ' 國科會. 1996-07-01
1996 殷乃平;李桐豪, 1996, '我國存款準備制度的未來改革方向, ' 中央銀行.
1995 李桐豪, 1995.07, '我國中央政府公債市場利率期限結構之測度與分析, ' 國科會. 1995-07-01
1994 李桐豪, 1994.07, '股票報酬隨機及跳躍模型之最大以法估計, ' 國科會. 1994-07-01
1994 殷乃平;李桐豪, 1994, '臺商在大陸設立信用合作社調度資金之研究, ' 陸委會.
1993 李桐豪, 1993.05, '臺灣採行大陸出口台灣押匯措施之調查研究, ' 行政院陸委會. 1993-05-01
1993 殷乃平;李桐豪, 1993, '信用合作社法草案評估研究, ' 立法院.
Country School Name Department Degree Duration
UNITED STATES 美國俄亥俄大學 Economics 博士 1980.09 ~ 1986.08
TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA 國立臺灣大學 經濟學系 學士 1974.09 ~ 1978.06
Experience Category Organization Title Department Job Title Duration
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Money and Banking 教授 2016.02 ~ 2017.02
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Money and Banking 教授 2011.08 ~ 2012.02
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Money and Banking 教授 2005.08 ~ 2011.02
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Money and Banking 教授 2005.02 ~ 2005.02
Part Time NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Money and Banking 系主任 2001.08 ~ 2002.01
Part Time NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Money and Banking 系主任 2000.08 ~ 2001.07
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Money and Banking 教授 1999.08 ~ 2002.02
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Money and Banking 副教授 1992.09 ~ 1999.08
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Money and Banking 副教授 1991.09 ~ 1992.09