【征才】Quantum International Corp (QIC) is looking for full-time research associate

【征才】Quantum International Corp (QIC) is looking for full-time research associate
Job Description
1. We offer great opportunities for comprehensive understanding of the operation in equity capital market and the exposures to different industry conditions and listed companies.
3. Research associate will be working with research analysts that have extensive foreign sell-side and investment banking background and experiences.
4. Research associate will be responsible in conducting in-depth research on securities of target companies, peers and industries and help the analysts better understand the growth potential of specific companies and industries.
5. Research associate will be helping to construct earnings model on companies, preparing presentation materials and quarterly reports for analysts.
6. Coping with administrative matters.
1. Qualified candidate should have a Bachelor or Master degree in Finance, Accounting, or Business.
2. 1-3 years of prior working experiences in equity research, corporate finance, or investment management preferred, although not a must. Prior meaningful internship experience in similar field can count as well.
3. Good team player, abilities to work under pressure, self-motivated, and strong commitment to the job.
4. Strong analytical mindset and attention to detail and excellent Mandarin/English verbal and writing communication skills. (TOEIC scores above 900 are preferred).  
5. Qualified candidate should have excellent computer skills in Excel and Powerpoint, with knowledge of using databases such as TEJ, Bloomberg, Capital IQ being a plus.
6. There will be competitive package and benefits subject to the candidate's qualification.
7. Qualified candidate should expect several rounds of interview before a hiring decision is made.
How to apply
Interested candidates please send your resume both in English and Chinese to Jerry Yang at jerryyang@qtumic.com with the subject of “QIC Research Associate” by Jan 31, 2019.
About QIC
QIC is Taiwan’s first independent, research-based capital market solution provider specializing in long-term shareholder value creation, AGM-related special event management, capital market and corporate finance solutions. Our client base includes public companies, money managers and special project managers. We rely on our many years of experience in the Greater China capital market, our deep understanding of local market protocol and our extensive network of contacts to provide turnkey solutions for a variety of client needs. For more information, please visit us on www.qtumic.com
「宽量国际」设立于20122月,为台湾第一家致力于服务大中华区企业解决资本市场问题、进而提升企业股权价值的独立性国际财务顾问机构。QIC拥有专业并资深金融背景的菁英团队,每一位皆具多年在国际资本市场经验;并与多间全球知名金融顾问公司成为策略联盟夥伴。创办人李鸿基先生及团队致力提供独立专业之金融服务,以协助企业创造在大中华资本市场之最大价值。以研究股权价值(Shareholder Value)为核心,创造与提升股权价值(Shareholder Value Creation)为目标,提供企业客制化和目标导向的资本市场顾问服务,包含:提升股东权益方案、资本市场(ECM)解决方案、改善股东结构、企业购并、公司治理、特殊股东会事项解决方案等服务。若需要更多资讯,请参阅我们公司网站www.qtumic.com